26 November 2020

A Tale of Krås Krüngle

A Holiday Tale from Chamon:

The Kharadron claim that they believe only in the power of the capital and the cunning of a mercantile meritocracy. They tell stories of how their god told them to fend for themselves, and this was the impetus for them to learn grit and self-determination—how they have outgrown the Old Ways and are beholden to no god, creed, or superstition. However this only the official party line.

In the outer rings of the skyports and the below decks of almost any skyvessel of the line, things are different. The old ways persist, and even new stories and myths have emerged as the Age of Chaos turns to the Ages of Sigmar. 

One of these stories is of a Duardin of old—ancient in years beyond counting. One night a year, he visits all the skyports in a single evening and delivers presences to good little dorf of various genders. His name is Krås Krüngle.

As the days grow short and the nights grow long, and as forces of chaos stretch out their evil tendrils to ensnare all that is good in Chamon, Krås Krüngle calls forth the fallen Duardin heroes of yore and leads them on a yearly hunt across the heavens. He and his host bring light to the darkness, spreading goodness and cheer across all the skyports by giving gifts to the younglings. 

While the Geldraad don't like to admit it, the stories are good for business and so they let the "superstition" go....


I haven't had much time to paint as of late, but I've been working on this conversion for the last week or so. He's built off a Blood Bowl slayer model with plenty of kit bashing and modeling added. He serves no purpose in any army or list—just a bit of whimsy as the days grow short and the nights grow cold. 

I will be participating in the Analogue Hobbies Challenge from the solstice to the equinox, and as such I'm prepping and priming more than painting at the moment. Expect a deluge of posts here starting late December! Until then, fiction and meta-thoughts as a build and bash models and get them ready for painting! 

11 November 2020

Jakkob Bugmansson XI: Brewmaster-General

The Holidays seem to upon us, and dear old GW has released a limited edition model for the Kharadron Overlords, Jakkob Bugmansson XI: Brewmaster-General. (LINK)

Image from GW
The fluff reads as follows:

The duardin. The myth. The legend. In times long past, the name of Bugman was a byword for quality amongst the people of the world-that-was, a brewsmith capable of producing the very best beverages the dwarves had to offer. Now, in the Age of Sigmar, another has risen to take his mantle – the Kharadron known as Jakkob Bugmansson XI!

This is obvious meant to tug on those nostalgia strings. Bugman is one of (if not the) oldest model in the Warhammer Fantasy line. However, since I have no allegiance to the Old World, I'm not necessarily impressed by the lore. 

What I am impressed by is the sculpt. There doesn't seem to be a War Scroll for this fellow yet (though one can hope). He comes on a 32mm base which works well for proxying him for an Aether-Khemist, Endrinmaster, or Aetheric Navigator. The idea of a drunk navigator sounds amazingly dorfy to me, but we'll see what is needed when we finally get the Chonky Bois to the table.

05 November 2020

Female Kharadron Overlords—a Journey

One concern that I have had in building my SkyDorfs is that I didn't want them all to be men. While simple biology points to the presence of women among the Duardin, the art in the most recent codex definitely shows that there are females among the leadership of Kharadron Overlords.

There's a great old blog post over at Between the Bolter and Me on Representation in Wargaming (LINK), that I wholeheartedly recommend. And that post got me thinking on how to bring a little balance to my own army.

My first attempt was to use one of the runners from Kaosball's New Victoria Klockwerks:

It's not a great miniature: the plastic much softer than GW, the pose is problematic, and the sculpt in general has some issues. But, my plan was to use just her head and put it on one my Thunderers. However, I thought her pigtails would read as female even in big, bulky KO amour. Also, the goggles read steampunk. Unfortunately, it didn't quite look right.

Part of this was caused by the hair—it forced me to have her head sit higher and forward slightly more than the eye could take. It just looks off. So, I wound up pulling her head off and slapping the standard helmet on to the Thunderer.

It then occurred to me that maybe Duardin women would want armour more in keeping for their own bodies—complete with stylized helmets that don't have giant beards. With this in mind, I looked around and landed on Clockwork Angels from Warmachine.

Thinking in terms of the Bolter&Me post above, there are a lot of problems with the sculpt. They are have the standard (and cringe worthy) boob armour comment to a lot of fantasy minis. Also, the proportions are awkward with a shortened trunk and longer legs. And then, there's the curve of two of their backs which accentuates their breasts. However, the Artdeco motifs and steampunk aesthetic are pretty close to the Kharadron; the arms and wings are separate from the body, so conversions should be easier; and the shortened trunk is an asset when trying to compress the model to represent a Duardin.

My test model was to use extra bits leftover from a skyrigger sprue to build up a female endrinrigger. As you can see, I'm just using the body of the Clockwork Angel. I started by snipping off her right leg so that I can use both the legs for the KO. 

The legs look awkward by themselves; but once I added the arms, weapons, backpack and harness, things look a lot better. I use green stuff sparingly to help smooth over gaps—with models this small there wasn't the need to add much. Additionally, the tools and gubbins of an endrinrigger hide a multitude of sins.

All in all, I think she reads as a female SkyDorf without being too weird. I have two more models left in the Clockwork Angels pack—the leader and the other 'grunt.' I've toyed with the idea of an all-female team of endrinrigger weapons specialists, but I might also just disperse them throughout the army as well.