01 April 2022

Space Dorf Kill Team

Earlier today, GW put out a video that may or may not be hinting that Squats are returning to 40k. I responded to the community tweet with the truth: Squats aren't "back;" they never left. 

Nothing is really set in stone for 40k—that wibbly-wobbly-ness is why you can have Your Dudes. And for me right now, my dudes are these:

Astra Militarum Rotundus

I haven't worked out all the names and lore for these guys yet; but these Sky Dorfs in space are an elite squad of Tempest Scions (complete with a Tempestor). I have all the optional load outs that I might run in any fire team—including coms, medic, banner, all gunners types, and a healthy number of basic troopers. 

I still have nine spots left on my roster, which might wind up being a unit of basic militarum Squats. These would be built from the bodies of a Blood Bowl dwarfs with weapon leftovers once I build a full Krieg Veterans team. But that is contingent on actually building up a full team from the sprues of the two boxes of Octarius I've picked up on various sales. This seems a big ask—especially when I most likely will play neither Krieg nor the basic militarum (why would I do either over Tempestus Squats?).

In any case, stay tuned as these dudes slowly get names and personalities while they earn their stripes on the tabletop.