31 October 2020



Morgok's Krushas
While this blog is ostensibly dedicated to chonky sky bois of the Kharadron Overlords, I couldn't help but celebrate Orctober by painting some green skins.

Here we have the recent Morgok's Krushas release for Underworlds. There's much more that could have been done by way of highlighting, accenting, and detailing; but since they are just for the occasional game, I decided that this will suffice.

Ironically, I haven't had a chance to play a game of Underworlds yet; and yet I now have four teams painted up—the two in the Beastgrave box (which I'll post at some point), Thundrik's Profiteers from last post, and Morgok's crew. 

Up on the painting bench next are more sky bois, and perhaps an attempt at a sky gurl as well. 

27 October 2020

Painting the Profiteers

Thundrik's Profiteers

I originally picked up these bois because the lot of them cost less than a single Aether-Khemist. I painted the Bjorgen as a basic khemist hero, Dead-Eye Lund as a basic Grundstok Thunderer to add some weapon flexibility to that unit, added the mines to the Khazgan Drakkskewer to make him a skywardent, and then kit-bashed on the Arkanauts into a navigator (because that model is insane price-wise as well)—again, all for less than the price of the official khemist.  However, then I decided to get into Underworlds; and I needed to buy a second box to paint as the crossover unit between the two games. 

The main paint scheme I'm using for my Chonky Bois™ is mostly blue metallic with some golden bibs and bobs. To differentiate Thundrik and his Profiteers, I've basically inverted the colours here.  This lets them tie into the larger army while still looking distinct.

Why would I want that distinction? Well, in AoS, they are stuck as a unit and have to be from Barak-Nar. The colours here are pretty unique since I'm not sure which sky-port I want to run, but I'm sure it will be either Barak-Zilfin, Barak-Urbaz, or Barak Thryng. As such, there won't be any bonuses that Thundrik and his lads will be able to enjoy. 

My current idea is to scratch build a heavily modded Gunhauler, give it Coalbeard's Collapsible Compartments for Thundrik and the lads (and maybe an extra navigator), and then send them off as a commando unit to hunt objectives. This is possibly a horrible idea.

The paint recipe is pretty simple:

  • Prime Black
  • Heavy drybrush of VMC Gunmetal
  • Light drybrush of VGC Silver
  • Glaze blue bits with Citadel Guilliman Blue
  • Glaze gold bits with mix of Citadel Contrast Iyaden Yellow and Gryph-hound Orange
  • Another light drybrush of VGC Silver
  • Finish the owl

24 October 2020

Bjorgen's Tale

Bjorgen Thundrik

The titular leader of Thundrik's Profiteers sat in the corner of the tavern nursing a whisky. It was an unusual drink for a Duardin, but then again Bjorgen Thundrik was an unusual Duardin.

Ever since he and his boys had come out of that godforsaken mountain of Beastgrave things had been different. They had gone off to Shadespire in search of treasure and had found themselves separated from their skyvessel and fighting just to stay alive. 

Due to some sort of blasted magic of the place when they did finally emerge, it was in neither Ulgu nor Hysh but out of the living mountain in Ghur. Luckily by then they'd found their ship and were able to fly home with relative ease.

Relative ease is what they thought the rest of their life would be after loading up their with gunhawler with so much treasure it hung low to the ground like a damaged frigate. However, this when they learned that The Code wasn't really all the law their was among the Kharadron. 

Turns out that when you show up with enough riches to destabilize three sky-ports, people get a tad bit miffed at you. All that faux meritocratic bullshit peels off to reveal an all-too-common underbelly of those in power doing whatever they can to maintain control. And so, Bjorgen and the boys were on the outs, even while each could ostensibly buy and sell Brokk Grungsson three times over. 

And so, Bjorgen sat in the corner of the tavern nursing a whisky and nursing a grudge against the whole damn system. The whole blasted thing was a house of lies, and he was beginning to feel like the big bad wolf.

10 October 2020

Meta Thoughts on GW, KO, and Gaming in General

Time for a bit of thinking out loud.

The Chonky Bois are my first foray into anything GW. I've played around with Malifaux, Kings of War, Wrath of Kings, Warmahordes, and Infinity; but I avoided GW largely because they seemed to spend a decade or so being complete shits to their base. And as a result, not many people locally were playing their games. Additionally, I'm not a huge fan of the whole Grimdark aesthetic, nor did I care for the game style of the Olde World of WFB. I simply had (and have!) no time for trays of rank and file. 

So, what's changed? Well... quite a bit. First, GW seems to be being better to their people. The culture of the company is changing. I also enjoyed their statement on tolerance published earlier this year. There was way too much cock in GW. They seem to be actively encouraging their base to put biases aside and create a safe place to play their games. 

Added to this are recent attempts to diversify the models and not just have hyped up white males and girls in chainmail bikinis. I say attempts, because even some of their recent models are a bit of a head scratcher; but I feel the need to give them an 'atta boy!' on this rather than be too critical. I want this trend to continue in all parts of the gaming hobbies. 

Additionally, I have to say that I really like parts of the aesthetic of Age of Sigmar. The Kharadron Overlords in particular, as this blog will attest, are a faction I can get behind. I don't particularly like KO lore, such as is—it literally makes no sense from a sociological perspective. I intend to change that a bit for my Bois here. But, I picked up the Start Collecting box largely based on the look of the models.

And then once I bought a box or so of the stuff I can see why people put up with the abuse from GW for so many years. The models are stunning: logical in how they build up; beauties to paint. I am borderline astounded how good they look with a few simple painting tricks and completely understand why the competitive painting circuit seems to gravitate towards GW for their bread-and-butter. Part of me wonders why it took me so long! But of course that came down to no one playing locally.

Which brings us to the last big change: players. A few friends during the tumult of 2020 have challenged me to build an army in the hopes that we can one day battle in-person. The one is quite keen and has actually finished a 2k army of StDs and is starting in on Gloomspite Gitz. The other friend has eschewed all decency and is building an entirely custom army of Fyreslayers—with custom weapons that we'll collectively have to design mechanics around. Indeed, we might wind up running One Page Rules rather than the actual Age of Sigmar given these issues. Custom work all around!

That last bit got me thinking of the sociological problems in KO lore and how to fix it with my Chonky Bois. I've been reading a lot of Death of a Rubricist, specifically their custom world building ideas. My hope is to do some of that here in this space coming up with some custom lore for my bois that makes more sense of how people actually act. That custom lore, along with pretty pictures, is what you'll see a lot of here in the future.