28 January 2021

2021 Hobby Bingo

So in addition to participating in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (LINK), I think I'm going to do Hobby Bingo this year as well. I nicked this one from Table Top Standard (LINK), but it ultimately derives from GW's White Dwarf. 

Completing a boxes 10 points, completing a line is 50 points, and the entire board is 400 points—though I'm not sure if these are cumulative points or not. 

Since the competition technically started on New Years Day, I have several of these I can already check off. Also, a quick perusal of my Twitter feed will show that I've painting a lot of Orks and other various sundry that don't show up on a blog dedicated to Sky Dorfs. I sort of want to make this KO specific, but I don't think I have enough models yet to paint for my army to fill in the card or line. So, I'll probably be more indiscriminate. 

09 January 2021

A Plan Brewing

Bjorgen Thundrik took a deep pull from his tankard. He tried to hide his expression, but his eyebrows involutely raised in surprise at the quality (and alcohol content) of the beer he sampled. There was no doubt that this abv in this mug was higher than even the customary Duardin draughts. 

Across the table in the dimly lit back corner of the Blue Drake Tavern, Jakkob Bugmansson XI smiled into his own cup. At this point in his career he had become quite accustomed to the reaction he could read the across the face of Profiteer.

"So, do we have a deal then?" he asked as we swirled the sweet amber poison around in his tankard.

Bjorgen looked the brewmaster steady in the eye as he drained the rest of his mug before speaking. "To give credit where it's due, this is an amazing ale you've got here. But, I'm still a bit cloudy as to why you're coming to me with an offer of exclusive distribution. I'm just a retired Profiteer whose hung up his armour and retired to running a little tavern."

Jakkob put down his mug and leaned closer to Bjorgen before speaking in a voice lower and laced with humour. "O come now Thundrik, we both no better than that! Sure you've got this seedy little bar on the edge of outsider ring here on Barak-Nar, but you've got similarly placed whole-in-the-walls on both Barak-Zilfin and Barak-Urbaz; and you're looking to purchase another on Barak-Zon as well. I don't know what this is all about, but I want in."

Before Bjorgen could protest in surprise, Jakkob then also added, "And I also want to stick it to Grungsson. I know you can't stand him either, so I figure whatever you've got planned will involve ruining his day. For that reason alone I want in." 

With that Jakkob leaned back from his conspiratorial stance and finished the rest of his mug while eying Bjorgen.

"Alright, Bugmansson, you've got a deal. I can't tell you what all you're in for as of yet, both you seem to have your finger in the wind. My tavern will definitely benefit from your brews, and my Gunhauler from your navigational. Pour another round and let's drink to our new partnership."

I recently finished up Jakkob Bugmansson XI. As can be deduced from the above piece of narrative, I plan on running him with Thundrik's crew in a dedicated Gunhauler for flanks and objectives. 

I painted the brewer using the same tones as the rest of the army, but with a less pronounced blue than on the bulk of the Shiny Bois. I figure the brewer would try to keep his armour more or less allegiance neutral, being the savvy business-dorf that he is.

07 January 2021

More Balloon Bois!

Just painted up another unit of Endrinriggers for my Kharadron fleet. This is the second unit of these—along with a unit of Skywardens

The tactical plan is to run one of the Gunhaulers with the secret compartment filled with a unit of Thunderers or Thundrik and his lads (if the latter, I'd have room for a navigator there as well given that there's a Skywarden in that unit). This second unit of Endrinriggers will go with that Gunhauler so that they can survive a bit longer. 

Since I've never been able to play a game with this army due to the pandemic, I have no idea if this will work.