27 September 2020

First Steps

The Great Work has begun. Whilst I've painted a few miscellaneous fellows for the Chonky Bois, the real work in an army of Kharadron Overlords are the skyvessels, and the process has been daunting. This Grundstok Gunhauler is my first real foray into painting these large models

Basic procedure here has been to work in sub-assemblies. The bois themselves were painted individually. The endrin (i.e. the dirigible) and its riggings were another assembly. Finally the whole gondola was painted in one go. Still a bit cumbersome, but undoubtably better than in one whole go.

As far as colours, I'm using a mix of old and new here. I prime black then dry brush with Vallejo MC Gunmetal & GC Silver. After that, different areas get different treatments. The blues are done with glazes of the old Citadel Guilliman Blue; but the golds have the more complex recipe of layers of Citadel Contrast Skeleton Horde, followed by Citadel Shade Reikland Fleshshade, and then finally Vallejo yellow ink. This is then all edge highlighted with Vallejos MC Silver (which is slightly brighter than the GC to my eye). I really wish I could simplify this recipe—if I can find a pot of Citadel Contrast Iyanden Yellow, that might be close enough. 

Simplification is necessitates by the fact that I plan on running a flotilla of Grundstok Gunhaulers with a Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit as the admiral and endrinriggers for support. I might also include a squadron of grycopters (or gyrobombers) as well. DEATH FROM ABOVE! HUZZAH! 


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